Tuesday, December 28, 2010

B4027-2 So Smart She's Dumb

I noticed a chirpy 22-year-old talking about her new car.  She is a recent graduate of a prominent U.S. Midwestern university with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.  Her tuition, room-and-board, and incidental fees for the four year program was a cool $40,000 per year (give or take a bit).  I’m not sure exactly, but I suspect that this bright girl went to school on a full ride scholarship - that is, someone else paid her freight for her schooling.

Well, now she’s graduated and employed at a nearby hospital making the big bucks.  So she bought a brand new Japanese car, or to be more accurate, she entered into a long term financing agreement to take part of her salary each month and to send it (ultimately) to Japan.

I’m sure in her old age, Japan will pay for her pension and retirement costs.  Her problem - the same one facing countless Americans who throw good money after bad at China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, etc.  - is that of staying employed until it is time to retire.

Oh, did I mention that she’s a bright girl?

Monday, December 27, 2010

B4027-1 The "Progressive Program"

Watch the Chameleon at work in the next few months:

1.    Begin by citing some quasi-legitimate environmental concern, i.e., the massive ‘BP Oil spill” in the Gulf of Mexico.

2.    React to that concern by, say, banning all off-shore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, on the East Coast, on the West Coast, in Alaska, etc.  Even where oil spills are minimal or non-existent (say in South Dakota), slow down the permitting process to prevent crude oil from coming to the market.

3.    Wait until drill rig operators tow their rigs to West Africa or other profitable locations around the world.  Pretend to be “very concerned about environmental spills.”  Direct Federal agencies to “study the problem.”

4.    As the “economy” recovers a bit and gasoline prices begin to rise, keep a very firm choke hold on domestic crude oil supplies.  Continue to purchase foreign crude from nations that actively hate the United States, i.e., Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc.  Make sure that U.S. treasure is transferred to nations actively seeking to harm the U.S.  Give them the funds to make that destruction happen.

5.    Then when the prices go north of $3.00 per gallon (12-27-10: on this date average U.S. gasoline prices are $3.05 per gallon), begin demonizing the oil industry as greedy and rapacious.  Call for congressional investigations of “windfall profits,” etc.  Pretend to be concerned that “the oil industry is destroying the economic recovery.”

6.    Give endless - doltish -  left-right, left-right, left-right Teleprompter speeches decrying the fact that the United States of America is being held hostage by the oil industry.  Tell everyone that you “are very concerned.”  Pretend that the United States should “invest in affordable alternative energy,” such as, wind turbines (manufactured in China), or photovoltaic solar cells (manufactured in China).  Did I mention that  China is another country that hates the USA?  When pertinent criticisms are offered, dismiss them all as “failed Republican policies of the past."

7.    Begin a Federal take-over of the oil industry in the United States.

8.    Wait for the USA to become a Third World nation.  It will not take long.

9.    Just in case you weren’t counting, folks, we are on Step #5 right now.