Monday, June 28, 2010

C3001-103 Thanksgiving: Flowers

      I see an enormous variety of plant life on my short walk near the Coke Ovens behind my house.  I see an elaborate and profound sense of order that one would hardly expect to find in a field of pure randomness.  I see a consistency from plant to plant: everywhere the species-specific sameness of morphology and habitat; and all of that in the same precise sliver of time and season; and all of that, too, with an extreme profusion where I would have expected to find only paucity and want.  I see a commonality in the plan to produce seeds, with multiplied and endless examples of sameness, as well as extended and astonishing examples of variety.  I smell the aroma of Canada Thistles and I am surprised at just how kind and thoughtful it was that God had scented something so common with such an exquisite fragrance.
      They may tell you that all of those wonders came from random mutations and natural selection.  I smile at their naïveté and I find it strange that they have never actually looked at the miracles surrounding themselves.
      I find it far easier to thank God for planting his flower garden in the field behind my house, and I content myself to look at it with praise and wonder and thanksgiving.

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