Thursday, January 27, 2011

B1042-3 No-Drill Obama

    Consider this: Obama kills oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico (and elsewhere) for pretend safety reasons, but mostly for ideological reasons.  The ideology drives a policy of non-use of petroleum products because, at some intuitive level of understanding, America sucked dry of oil becomes just another impoverished third-world nation.  Some would guess that making the United States a third-world nation is Obama’s ultimate goal.  I’m not so sure.  But other nations (Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, China, and others) will sweep into the Gulf to explore, extract and burn oil products.  So, the net-net on this policy changes only the location of the carbon dioxide producer.  The USA stops burning oil and somebody else picks up the slack elsewhere.  How does that, pray tell, help with “safety,” “global warming,” or “climate change?”  Oh, you say this has nothing to do with “safety,” “global warming,” or “climate change?”  Hmmm...that’s what I thought.

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