Sunday, April 10, 2011

B9013-1 Stoppin' Kloppenburg from Floppin'

    Some thoughts on the recent (04-05-11) Wisconsin Supreme Court election.  JoAnne Kloppenburg (D) challenged the incumbent David Prosser (R) for the seat on the Court.  At the time of this writing, Kloppenburg seems to have lost the election by some 7,500 votes out of 1.5 million votes cast.
    As I understand it, Kloppenburg has now lost five judicial elections.  Five elections!  Normally, a candidate is asked to hit the bricks after two or three losses.  Why all that Democrat union money went into such a candidate and why the Democrats ran Kloppenburg again with her losing track record is the mystery for the ages.
    But here are some insights.  If you have a name like Kloppenburg - that cries out for ridicule and mockery, and lends itself to easy satire - you should either, 1) forget about being a candidate in the first place, or 2) have you name changed legally to something that resists parody.  Then, too, if you bear an uncanny resemblance to Margaret Hamilton (a.k.a. the Wicked Witch of the West) in The Wizard of Oz you might want to soften that image with a touch of makeup and a different hair style.  Get rid of that Stern Librarian scarf and those school marm clothes, too.  There are some principles involved here: If you have a clunky name and forbidding looks, and you act like the neighborhood scold from your childhood, don’t expect a warm embrace from the public.  Just sayin.’

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