Sunday, May 29, 2011

F2103-1 The Wisdom of Cats

My friend, Nina, has a very large, black cat named Maxx.  And sometimes Maxx seems to understand things that cats aren’t supposed to understand.

Nina told me that one Saturday morning Maxx jumped up on her bed before the sun had gilded the shrubbery outside, and began to “knead” the pillow with its paws.  That in itself was annoying enough.  But Maxx insisted upon nuzzling up to Nina and subjected her to his disgusting “fish breath.”  Tuna breath at 5:30 a.m., to be sure, was not on Nina’s list of Delightful Things Every Woman Should Experience.

“Maxx,” Nina said in her best Alpha voice, “let me explain something to you.  I work very hard all week and Saturday is the only day I get to sleep in.  You come up on this bed and start your “paw the pillow” stuff and wake me up.  Then you give me that Tuna Breath.  That makes me very angry.  Well, let me say this, Maxx.  You are not permitted to come into this bedroom until 10:00 a.m. and even then you are not permitted to come up on the bed.  Do you understand?  Now get out of here and let me sleep.”

Maxx left the room and did not come back until 10:00 a.m.  Nina said that now Maxx never comes into her bedroom on Saturday mornings until 10:00 a.m.  And he stays off of the bed.

Who would have thought it would have been that easy to get a cat to do exactly what its owner wants?

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